Chickens do a lot more than just lay eggs. Chickens have tons of benefits, and everyone should have some if they the space!

Funny thing about me, I used to really not like animals. Like all animals. Yes, I know, gasp! My husband is a big animal lover and when we moved in together his dog of course was a part of the deal. Shortly afterwards I ended getting me my own dog. Here we are six and a half years later, and we have three dogs, one goose, two ducks, one turkey, one donkey, and twenty-one chickens, and we are hoping to grow the chicken number. It’s funny how likes and dislikes change over the years. Our chickens are my favorite of the group for many reasons.
- Low Maintenance: I tend to my grown birds twice a day and each time takes five minutes. The chicks grow so fast you blink, and they are grown.
- Affordable: Depending on the breeds you choose; you can get chicks from $2.50 a piece. We built our own coop out of leftover wood, so it was free. Chicken feed for during the winter is also only $11 a bag which lasts a good while. Plus, their eggs and meat offset these costs.
- Provide Eggs: Nothing beats a free-range egg, plus with cost of eggs on the rise and shortages going on, no better time to have your own!
- Provide Meat: The quality is amazing, and you can’t beat the price per pound.
- Easy to Handle: They put themselves to bed at night and are easy to make go wherever you want.
- Funny: They are so entertaining to watch!
- Kid Friendly: My kids chase them and try to play with them and honestly kind of drive them crazy I’m sure, but they are so nice to my kids!
- Educational: I love my kids being exposed to where their food comes from and how they can do it themselves. Priceless!
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