There’s nothing more fun or cute than a bunch of baby chickens. Their needs are not the same as a grown chicken though. Making sure you have all their necessities before they arrive is a great way to set yourself up for success.

Everything you Need:
- Shelter
I like to separate the babies from the adults because well they are just so tiny and fragile. The adult birds don’t need a heat lamp in their shelter, and they don’t eat the same food. It’s just easier to keep them separate. Keeping them in a safe space out of predators reach is super important. Chicks are super fragile and an easy snack for just about any animal. Having a predator proof shelter is super important.
- Heat Lamp
It provides warmth for the chicks. Week old chicks need to be able to stay around 90 to 95 degrees. Heat lamps are a great way for them to be able to decide for themselves if they need to be warmed up. They may not need one during the day if they are born in the summer months, but they will need the warmth during the nights.
- Feeder
This is what you will put their food in. It’s an easy way for them to access their food. They are inexpensive and hold a decent amount of food.
- Waterer
This is obviously where you will put their water so they can easily access it and they can’t spill it.
- Chicken Starter
This is the type of food they will start out on. It provides all the nutrients that their bodies need so they grow into healthy adult birds. Just like human babies need breast milk or formula, chicken starter is that for these baby birds.
You can find everything you need at a Tractor Supply or Atwoods. Chicks will sleep, eat, and poop a lot. They are just like any other infant. If you have had kids, you know the drill. They grow so fast though and before long they will be foraging and laying eggs or providing you meat. Once you have a setup for chicks, it’s the perfect stepping stone to being able to incubate and grow your own birds.
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