Greenhouses are such a great way to expand your gardening experience. Here are 5 reasons why it’s beneficial to have a greenhouse.

1.Longer growing season-
To me this is the greatest benefit of the greenhouse. Having those extra weeks or even months on your side is huge in the fruiting department! It is also much easier to start plants from seed when you can control the temperature day and night. Your gemination rate will be much higher. In the long run your greenhouse will pay for itself!
2.Pest prevention-
Keeping out those pesky bugs out will make keep your plants healthy and you won’t lose as much produce. It’s so nice not having to use chemicals to keep the bugs away too so your produce will be organic.
3.Weather protection-
Hail, wind, and rain can wipe out crops in matter of seconds. There’s nothing worse than putting in time, money, and effort into something for weeks and to have it all taken away so quickly. A greenhouse is a saving grace for this. A storm predicted in the forecast. No worries, shut the doors and vents and your plants will be protected.
Live in a rental home but want to garden? Greenhouse. Not sure if gardening is your thing but want to try it? Greenhouse. You can take it with you to anywhere you call home and if you don’t end up loving it, sell it! You can have one as small as a linen closet to one as big as a house. The flexibility that they offer is unbeatable! They are pretty affordable too depending on what you choose.
5.Less Work-
Having plants in flowerpots, seed trays and raised beds are so much easier to pull weeds out of. Not nearly as many weeds come up in them as well. This saves your time and your back.
You just can’t go wrong with having a greenhouse!
Zachary Tomlinson says
Thanks for helping me understand how a greenhouse works as a perfect area for your plants to grow and foster without threats from pests. I have a colleague who’s pursuing culinary classes and she asked me for ideas regarding her backyard. I believe that this information can help her gather fresh ingredients daily.