Involving your kids, especially young ones in your projects can be challenging. The benefits of including them though is long life!

Growing up my family had a garden every summer. My sister and I would play in the dirt while they got it tilled and the rows made. They would let us put the seeds in the holes they had made and then we would cover the seeds back up. We would help pull weeds and they would let us pick anything that was ripe.
I truly believe if they wouldn’t have involved us, I would have zero interest in gardening. I’m thankful for those experiences and I hope to do the same with my kids. I hope you consider doing the same! It’s a valuable skill knowing how to grow your own food and knowing where it comes from.
My oldest son is just about to turn 4 years old. He loves to help and be involved in everything me, or his dad is doing. He’s old enough now to listen to some direction and be put to work! It was time to pull the carrots, so I recruited him as the carrot puller. The way his face lit up when he pulled his first carrot was priceless. The excitement he had built with each carrot. He asked the next day if we could go pull some more. He was sad to find out we had already pulled them all.

Kids don’t find helping to be a chore or a punishment. They just want to be involved doing whatever that may be. I find my kids behave better when we let them help more and appreciative. Showing them is the best way for them to learn where their food comes from and how good it tastes when you make it yourself.

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